• Sound Journey And Retreat

Video into a Sound Journey

Video into a Sound Journey

Video into a Sound Journey

What is a Sound Journey?

What is a Sound Journey?

What is a Sound Journey?

Shanti Sounds - Sound Journeys & Retreats in Costa Rica Sound Journeys are inner journeys guided by numerous sounds, all with varying frequencies and vibrations... each resonating with different parts of the body. These tones can lead you into a state of total relaxation in which healing and connection to a higher consciousness can take place.

"Lie down and relax as your mind experiences a heightened and relaxed state of awareness"

At Shanti Sounds we facilitate the space for healing to take place. We facilitate channels for you to reconnect with your own stillness within.

The sacred sounds of the instruments guide you as a participant through your unique inner journey as well as guiding us, the facilitators of the space to play. In this sense, the instruments are acting truly as Master teachers and we honour them as sacred tools for us to become more of our genuine Selfs. It is a true interactive relationship between the facilitator, participants and the instruments, all equally important to make the journey as a healing One.

When we are able to connect to our stillness within, in which the mind stops its judgments, we may enter our heart space, which is peaceful and in essence of wholeness. In this space, interconnectedness with all can be experienced. This is the space that allows healing to take place.

Sound Journeys are inner journeys guided by numerous sounds, all with varying frequencies and vibrations... each resonating with different parts of the body. These tones can lead you into a state of total relaxation in which healing and connection to a higher consciousness can take place.

"Lie down and relax as your mind experiences a heightened and relaxed state of awareness"

At Shanti Sounds we facilitate the space for healing to take place. We facilitate channels for you to reconnect with your own stillness within.

The sacred sounds of the instruments guide you as a participant through your unique inner journey as well as guiding us, the facilitators of the space to play. In this sense, the instruments are acting truly as Master teachers and we honour them as sacred tools for us to become more of our genuine Selfs. It is a true interactive relationship between the facilitator, participants and the instruments, all equally important to make the journey as a healing One.

When we are able to connect to our stillness within, in which the mind stops its judgments, we may enter our heart space, which is peaceful and in essence of wholeness. In this space, interconnectedness with all can be experienced. This is the space that allows healing to take place.

The word ‘healing’ is derived from the word ‘Whole’, becoming whole (again) which is connected to Oneness, interconnectedness, the heart chakra, which is in essence, the bridge that balances our lower and higher chakras.

Don Conreaux on Dematerialization:

"Total gong sound is truly pure holistic resonance. The experience is wrapped in a cocoon or womb that is so charged with powerful wholesome tone cell reproduction that at some point the person seems to disappear completely into the sound files. This is a phenomenon that can be called a conscious dematerialisation through sensorial sound saturation. When this happen, the mental emotional and physical bodies become both super-conducting and super-regenerating, and the strain caused by the normal resistance of the ego-identity no longer exist as a disease factor"

~ Magnum Opus of the Gong, D. Conreaux

The Power of intention: Sounds from the instruments become even more healing by the intentions that you as a receiver and we as players put into it. This formed intention functions as a prayer. Therefore, at the beginning of our sessions we ask participants to think of an intention and ask them to surrender it to the sounds, let go of it and just receive. Where thought goes, energy goes. And in this way, the energy may be directed. For us, the players, it is always important to stay present and maintain loving intentions to facilitate the journeys as healing ones. Most important of all, is allowing higher knowledge to come through us through the sounds that we make. As our teacher Dharma Mittra always says: “you are not the doer”.

Sound healing is the practice of using sound to ‘re-tune’ the body back to its wholeness, its optimum frequency using external vibrations. Sound is just an instrument on the path returning to wholeness. There are many stepping stones and we use the ones that resonate with us most at the present moment. Our Sound sessions use the resonant vibrations of gongs, crystal bowls, and other over-tone instruments to soothe and revitalize our bodies.

To amplify the experience, we provide special crystals for you to place on your body if desired. The crystals are cleared before and after use. In addition, we also sourced specific charged crystals, charged jewelry and charged scarves that we have for sale if you wish to continue the experience after the Journey.

For more information about these transformative sessions, please contact us.

We Offer Group Sessions

We Offer Group Sessions

We Offer Group Sessions

Shanti Sounds - Group Session Sound Journeys Everything in the Universe is made from energy… vibrating at different frequencies. Lower frequencies form ‘solid’ matter, higher frequencies form ‘liquid’ and gaseous matter, and those at very high frequencies form electromagnetic radiation such as heat and light.

Stress and illness can cause a shift in the vibrational energy of the body. This can alter your ability to deal with mental or physical ailments.

When the body is vibrating at its optimum frequency, you are in the peak of physical health, happiness, contentment and well being. With Sound Healing, we try to get the body back to its optimum vibration frequency; because of its deep resonance and strong vibrations, the gong is one of the best-suited tools to provide therapeutic vibrational healing.

Everything in the Universe is made from energy… vibrating at different frequencies. Lower frequencies form ‘solid’ matter, higher frequencies form ‘liquid’ and gaseous matter, and those at very high frequencies form electromagnetic radiation such as heat and light.

Stress and illness can cause a shift in the vibrational energy of the body. This can alter your ability to deal with mental or physical ailments.

When the body is vibrating at its optimum frequency, you are in the peak of physical health, happiness, contentment and well being. With Sound Healing, we try to get the body back to its optimum vibration frequency; because of its deep resonance and strong vibrations, the gong is one of the best-suited tools to provide therapeutic vibrational healing.

Group Sound Journeys are held regularly in Nosara, Costa Rica and in various other areas of Costa Rica. We typically choose the more auspicious dates and timing to make the maximum use of Universal energies. Those times for example are when there is a natural cosmic shift in energy taking place. Days such as Equinox, Full moon days, New moon days, sunrise and sunset times. We therefore try to plan Journeys on those dates and always during the sunset, so that the experience or shift will be most beneficial for the participant.

That said, we also tour within Costa Rica, as we feel it our Dharma to bring about and spread these healing sounds into the land and hope to inspire others to do the same. As a result, distribute all the instruments that we use too, to make them more easily accessible to others.

Benefits may be:
  • Sound Journeys provide powerful frequencies which can enable the manifestation of personal intentions.
  • They nurture an inner environment of peace and transformation.
  • They relieve physical pain and energetic blockages.
  • Provides stress release at the deepest levels.
  • Provides a prolonged sense of well being

Private Sound Therapy Sessions

Private Sound Therapy Sessions

Private Sound Therapy Sessions

Shanti Sounds - Private Sound Journeys in Costa Rica Ayi offers private Sound Energy sessions. Based on her studies and experience in different healing energy work , body work, yoga and qigong, she has a variety of modalities that she intuitively chooses to use depending on the need of the individual. These include Quantum Healing, Matrix Healing, Chi Nei Tsang, Cosmic Healing, elements of Mystery School, Ayurvedic Marma Therapy, Pulse Therapy, Thai massage, Tibetan Bone massage and Qigong healing.

During sessions, a variety of sound healing tools are used. These include Gongs, Crystal Alchemy bowls, Tibetan bowls, Crystal harps, tuning forks, chimes and crystals. Water is also charged using crystal bowls.

Private sessions are like private Sound Journeys. Intentions may be set to make sessions more powerful.

Ayi offers private Sound Therapy sessions. Based on her studies and experience in different healing energy work, body work, yoga and qigong, she has a variety of modalities that she intuitively chooses to use depending on the need of the individual. These include Quantum Healing, Matrix Healing, Chi Nei Tsang, Cosmic Healing, elements of Mystery School, Ayurvedic Marma Therapy, Pulse Therapy, Thai massage, Tibetan Bone massage and Qigong healing.

During sessions, a variety of sound healing tools are used. These include Gongs, Crystal Alchemy bowls, Tibetan bowls, Crystal harps, tuning forks, chimes and crystals. Water is also charged for use using crystal bowls.

Private sessions are like private Sound Journeys. Intentions may be set to make the session more powerful. These sessions offer a greater ability to reach your personal optimum frequency…assisting in your own self becoming more your Self.

During a session, you lie down and relax, receiving for the entire time. Body work and essential oils may be applied, encouraging the body to relax and open deeply into the vibrations of sounds. Special tuning forks are used on and around the body to allow energy to flow more freely. In this way, the sound vibrations and varying frequencies of the different instruments penetrate and release unwanted elements in the body. Stored memories may arise…old pains, or forgotten joyful memories and feelings. The vibrations may rearrange and reform on cellular level. This is the power of sound.

At the end of the treatment, you may bring your custom charged water back home to drink, so please bring an empty bottle. The duration of a session approximately 90 minutes, which include an intake of exchanged information. Please allow approximately 10 min. after the session to ground yourself before you leave.

During private sessions everything is customized towards the individual’s need. No two private session will be the same. You may come for different reasons such as , the need for total relaxation, clarity or inspiration, release of stiff muscles, rejuvenating facial tunings with custom facial mask, release of ideas…all are welcome here.

" never underestimate that that you do not see...
...never underestimate the power of sound "

We Offer Workshops

We Offer Workshops

We Offer Workshops

Shanti Sounds - Sound Journey Workshops in Costa Rica Crystal alchemy bowls are angelic in their sound...and may enhance your well being as well as have a nourishing effect on your soul due to the uplifting frequencies produced by chiming them. This, in combination with the varying qualities and characteristics of different gemstones, minerals and metals, truly creates a healing experience on different levels.

Experience the healing vibrations of different Crystal Alchemy bowls and what they may do for you. You will learn how to use them in your personal practice and how you can use them as a practitioner in a yoga/qigong class or as a therapeutic tool.

We will end the workshop with a group meditation and play the bowls together to tune into the collective energy...leaving all with an uplifted feeling...in silence.

No previous experience required, all are welcome who like to learn more about the energetic qualities of the Alchemy bowls.

Introduction to Sound Healing through Crystal Alchemy Bowls

Crystal alchemy bowls are angelic in their sound...and may enhance your well being as well as have a nourishing effect on your soul due to the uplifting frequencies produced by chiming them. This, in combination with the varying qualities and characteristics of different gemstones, minerals and metals, truly creates a healing experience on different levels.

Experience the healing vibrations of different Crystal Alchemy bowls and what they may do for you. You will learn how to use them in your personal practice and how you can use them as a practitioner in a yoga/qigong class or as a therapeutic tool.

We will end the workshop with a group meditation and play the bowls together to tune into the collective energy...leaving all with an uplifted feeling...in silence.

No previous experience required, all are welcome who like to learn more about the energetic qualities of the Alchemy bowls.

The workshop will include:

  • Learning how to create a healing space and practice through sounds.
  • What happens in the body and what changes?
  • Experience and learn playing with up to 30 different Crystal Alchemy bowls.
  • Learn how to connect to your bowl and use it for your personal practice.
  • Feel which bowl resonates with you the most at the moment and what that may tell you.
  • Experience and see how the bowls harmonize the chakras and light body.
  • Learn how to share the crystal sounds with others.
  • Participate in a group healing session in which we all play bowls and are present with each other...getting totally immersed in this sonic experience.
  • Truly experience the power of Sound.

Advanced Sound Healing through Crystal Bowls

The workshop will include:

  • Learn to use sound as a diagnostic tool for imbalances in the different ethereal, light and physical bodies.
  • How to set up a private sound healing session.
  • How to combine bowls for varying effects.
  • Learn how to create binaural beats.
  • How to use your voice and sing with the bowls (no singing experience required).

Introduction to Sound Healing through Gongs

The workshop is open to all who are drawn to the power of the Gong...for those interested in becoming a Gong player or in purchasing a Gong for personal spiritual practice.

Perhaps you’ve attended Sound Journeys and want to know more about the history and benefits of this powerful instrument…or you'd simply like to spend a whole day in the healing vibration of the Gong space.

The workshop covers:

  • The history of the gong.
  • How gongs are made.
  • Basic strokes on how to strike the gong.
  • Learn about the differences between the large selection of gongs available on the market today.
  • Experience and play the biggest selection of Gongs in Costa Rica.
  • Learn to play for others as a therapy.
  • Experience inner silence during and after Gong meditation.
  • Experience the connection to the Gong as a potential teacher.

Advanced Gong Workshop

This workshop is in principle open to all, but more catered to people who have already experience with the Gongs.

In this session:

  • Learn playing with a hand held gong.
  • How to use a gong in a private session.
  • Which combination of Gongs for what kind of effect.
  • Gong as a therapeutic tool for diagnostics.
  • How to set up a space for a Gong bath or Sound Journey.
  • How and why we mix certain instruments together.
  • Gong master code as taught by Don Conreaux.

  • Michael and Ayi's incredible skill, innate sensitivity, intuition and gentleness, made my first Sound Therapy session an amazing & moving experience. Creatively combining a vast array of musical instruments, it was a symphony of vibration that left me feeling deeply relaxed, balanced and curious for more. Thank you for  generously sharing your gift & love of music. I look forward to more magical journeys.


  • Thank you so much for a beautiful experience shared.How special, vibrating and enlightening that felt.


    Nosara, Costa Rica

  • Just wanted to say thanks for the special treatment in your "healing journey", so profound and lovely.


    Victoria, B.C.

  • The Sound Journey with Michael and Ayi left me feeling relaxed, refreshed and rooted. It was as though my entire vascular, muscular and skeletal system had been re-booted. Since trying it for the first time a few years ago I have returned whenever I have the chance with an ever-deepening respect for the healing nuance in this journey of sound.

    Jess R

    Moksha Modo Yoga Co Founder, Co Director

  • I have participated in three of Ayi and Michael’s sound journeys...each time it has been a unique and profoundly beautiful experience. The vibrations of the bowls and gongs create an energetic container in which to deeply relax, let go, realign, heal, unwind, go deep, celebrate and transform.


    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • Thank you for an amazing, inspirational, creative, multi dimensional, healing sound journey, (just to name a few words to describe an indescribable experience). It was such a blessing to share this journey with everyone!!!


    Registered Massage Therapist, Victoria, B.C.